Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Signs of Spring

I do believe spring has indeed sprung, and I am filled with gratitude to my Creator. It is gently raining at the moment (between some much more powerful thunderstorms), and I'm sipping coffee, feeling rather content that my new flowers are being sovereignly watered. Saturday was the BIG FLAT SALE at our fabulous local nursery that also happens to be located right next to our neighborhood. Greg and I picked out two flats of vinca, trailing vinca, salvia, petunias, portulaca, and tall grasses that I planted in lovely spring weather on Saturday while the girls all played in a nearby giant mud puddle.

My newly planted pots; here's hoping and praying they'll only get better:

The progress on the side garden Greg has been working on (I love it! It's like a childhood secret garden dream come true. Grace and I go hopping from stone to stone again and again):

The bouquet of dandelions Grace picked for me:

The wild tulip Emma picked for me near the mud puddle:

This Saturday is the big Emma Creek Classic 5k walk/run held right here in our little town. The purpose is to promote fitness for women and girls, so it is an entirely female event, and last year there were over 600 participants. I have jogged one time since, um fall, I think; so I'll be walk/jogging at Abby and Emma's pace (if I can keep up). We're looking forward to it, especially because there is a yummy doughnut and fruit breakfast thing right as you cross the finish line (it is for chicks, after all). We'll miss my mom and sister who have joined us the past two years and the cute "Bluebonnet" team t-shirts we have specially designed for us. Maybe next year.


Mama Gail said...

Oh how I wish I could be there! I'll wear my "Bluebonnets" team t-shirt (at least unitl I get ready for work) on Saturday and think of y'all. I bet Grace & could have improved our standing a few places over last year.

Erika said...

I do so wish the "Bluebonnets" were all together again this year! Well, next year, we'll have to make it happen and add Lucy (in the stroller)as our 7th team member!