Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I have been wondering if it's okay to brag about my own children on my blog - not that I haven't done it before, I've just been wondering if it's okay. I decided that since reading my blog is a voluntary activity, not one that is forced upon you, and since it is my blog, that yes, it is okay.

In light of this disclaimer, I have to share that Abby came home from her end of season volleyball party on Monday with an award. Each volleyball team gave out 4 or 5 awards to those who were voted by the team to have most exemplified whatever the award was for. Abby came home with the "Attitude is Everything" award for her 7th grade team. I was so proud of her; in my opinion that is the best award she can win, especially when fellow teammates are voting. Congratulations, Abby! You've had an excellent season.

To help offset any dangerous head-swelling, I also have to share that my brilliant daughter who is doing tremendously well academically, spent two late evenings in a row looking ALL OVER THE HOUSE for her tennis shoes which she "PROMISED" came home with her and mysteriously displaced themselves. She took them out of her bag, remembered putting them in a certain place on her floor, and then POOF! they were gone. She wondered if she had hidden them in her sleep (which she has done before with other things); she even blamed me for playing some kind of trick and taking her shoes. And BOTH times, they were actually sitting right in the locker room at school, abandoned by their owner.

I also received an email from Emma's homeroom teacher yesterday letting me know what a delightful, mature, and bright student she is. He was saddened to hear that we'll be moving because of the influence she is within the class. Congratulations, Emma! I'm so proud of how you've adjusted to school.

And we spent a delightful week with my sister Erika and my precious niece Lucy who came to visit. Here are a couple of favorite pictures...


Erika said...

We had a blast with you, sis! Oh and you had every reason t p be pleased with your daughters and wirte about it on your blog! I brag about my nieces, so why shouldn't their mother? : )

Mama Gail said...

If I couldn't count on my daughters' blogs to keep me supplied with fresh material for bragging about my granddaughters, what would be the point of looking in on them everyday? I'm so proud, but not surprised, to hear how Abby & Emma have already earned the respect of those who've come to know them at school. And Grace & Lucy are such an adorable little pair of cousins!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, I hope you will keep blogging and wanted to suggest keeping a journal of verses, etc. of this adventure you are beginning. We did a moving journal when we were praying about the next step for us in Colorado even before the doors opened here in Hesston. We just knew we were hoping to sell our house. So there is verses, what we liked about our old home, what we wanted in the new house, words like onwaiting, quotes, etc. Really glad to look back and see God's hand in the details and be reminded how He knows what we need and His way is always best. And your girls are all wonderful girls! Great to hear the news.