Thursday, January 5, 2012

One stinky little thing

Sometimes you have a great day and a great outlook and a decent energy level. Sometimes your mental and creative energy is flowing pretty well and then one stinky little thing throws you off... One stinky little thing, just one - but there goes your "great" and there goes your energy. Yeah, well, I hate when that happens.

And even though that might have happened at work today and I'm tired now (and my family got the leftovers of me after the stinky little thing), I still need to tell you about a simple story I heard.

A guy who spoke at our church last Sunday closed his message with a story about his 4 year old son who wanted him to come into his room and say "goodnight" after he got home from a late meeting. Turned out the meeting went much later than planned, so by the time he came home, his son had been in bed for several hours. Jason (our friend who was speaking) dutifully went in to his son's room anyway and was amazed to see that he was still awake.

"Why are you still awake?" he asked his bleary, squinty-eyed 4 year old.

Barely able to hold his eyes open, he said "Daddy, I kept my eyes open so I could see you."

O my goodness, he went a different direction with the poignancy of that comment, but I suddenly had my desperate prayer penned and my daily goal illuminated.

I wish I had the grit of that sweet 4 year old, but my prayer would be,

Father, please help me keep my eyes open so I can see You.

...even after one stinky little thing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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