Sunday, February 19, 2012

This I Believe

I have just become acquainted with the concept of the "This I Believe" essay, because my oldest daughter Abby had to write one for her GT sophomore English class. It is essentially a brief (under 500 words) essay declaring why you believe in something that you submit to the This I Believe website and the best are chosen for publication.

Great concept. There are some fabulous titles like "I Believe in Coolness to the Pizza Delivery Dude" written by a community college English professor and "I Believe in Lunch Breaks" both of which take you on surprising journeys far beyond their humble titles.

Of course I now can't stop thinking about all of the things I believe in...

But I can't get beyond the fact that I believe in them. I can't seem to fully develop an idea even to only 500ish words.

So what follows is a brief list of beginnings, because that's as far as I've gotten:

I believe in blogging, although you wouldn't know it.

I believe in looking at the sky everyday.

I believe in date night with my husband.

I believe in running outside.

I believe in sleeping in on Saturdays.

I believe in 100% whole wheat bread.

I believe in quiet.

I believe in think time.

I believe in taking my make-up off everyday.

I believe in grief and joy.

I believe in knowing my daughters (at least trying).

I believe in poetry.

I believe in Good Friday.

Maybe I'll develop one of these into an actual essay, maybe not. It's a start. If only I believed in finishing...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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