Friday, January 21, 2011

Current conditions

Sitting in a small quiet room with florescent lights
And spinney, comfy chairs
Two 5th graders are testing, so it is...
Dreadfully quiet - for the first 40 minutes,
Until feet in low Converse shoes and legs
In skinny jeans start making the most of the spinney chairs...
Back and forth, more and more rapidly
While two rubber soles scrape the carpet
Less and less quietly.
We have had a bathroom break
And a snack break.
Nevertheless, the quiet IS dreadful...
The worst possible way to try to think
About math.
So the chair spins, and as I write I realize
Mine is spinning too -
With a more subtle ankle-bend technique
As I ponder...
What else to do given the current conditions.


Rick said...

Yes.... what else?
Loved it! and you!

Hannah said...

Very nice! I wondered if you were still keeping your blog!