I had to share this web link with you if you'd care to take a look. I am so impressed by the way this was put together. A very successful businessman who also happens to be a Jesus-follower here in the Dallas area has started this campaign called I AM SECOND. That's all it says on the billboards - no web address or anything. When you google it the following website comes up...
I will warn you that some of the real life stories are pretty dramatic and not suitable for kiddos, but I hope this brings some encouragement to you.
I also had to share this picture of Abby with her new ripstik that she bought with Christmas money. It is so perfect for my outdoorsy girl who is really getting the hang of it already - I, on the other hand can't even stand on it without promptly falling off. And here is Grace wearing one of the shirts my sister Erika embroidered and appliqued for her.