Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Greg and Brian left somewhere around 4:30 a.m. to get to the airport for their 6:30 flight to Florida today. They'll be learning all about using our new roaster and running a coffee roasting business and things like that and then be back here on Saturday.

The last few times I've gone on a 3 mile run, Emma has come along on her bike. She rides on the right side of the street while I run on the left, and I tell her she's doing great and she shouts back that I am too.

As we came upon our last major hill somewhere in our third mile today, I heard the birds singing beautifully.

"Hey Emma, you're doing a great job; the birdies are cheering you on!" I shouted.

"No," she replied confidently, "they're cheering you on, Mom."

So, anyway, I battled tears the rest of the way back.