Friday, June 26, 2009

Watchersee Glasses


I would have given up on me too, if I were you. BUT if you are reading this, you are certainly SOMEBODY and I thank you for your commitment.

Abby has been at her first ever youth camp (first ever anykindacamp other than hanging out with the fam while her dad has been camp speaker) this week. She's coming home tomorrow night, and we can't wait to see her. She's been gone since early Sunday morning, and I know she's had an amazing time; I just can't wait to hear about it.

Sweet Emma has missed her sister terribly (which I LOVE) and has planned a whole big party for Abby's homecoming. She has totally taken this on herself and spent her days planning, making a shopping list, creating decorations, centerpieces, planning the menu, and tomorrow she'll be making dinner and dessert.

And Grace is learning to swim! She's swimming back and forth between me, Emma, and Greg with no floatie at all and doing a fabulous job. I breathe such a huge sigh of relief once a child of mine can read and swim. We are so gettin' there!

Quote of the day from Grace this morning while cutting paper with scissors:

"I'm going to make some watchersee glasses with bender sticks on them."

Love it.


Mama Gail said...

Your mom never gives up on you and your mom is definitely somebody. I still check your blog everyday - just in case. Hey I know life is crazy for you these days.

Greg said...

Since they took away our rights to go to blog sites at work my visiting has dropped off but your site and Holmes Blend are still two of my favorites! I just wish we could one of favorite families more often! We miss you all!