Thursday, February 10, 2011


I went to the dermatologist today, because...

I am a redhead with FAIR skin.
I am getting older.
I have moles.
I have not had a skin cancer screening, ever.
Greg made me.

It was not fun...

I am standing there in the little room with bright, unflattering lights and three people (young, fit, beautiful people) staring at me - really intently, for a long time; I am the only one seriously underclothed. It was a nightmare happening in real time. I felt like I needed to explain...

I know I should be doing yoga, but I don't really like it. I run though, it's just that everything has been covered in ice and we've had advisories about being outside. I don't tan, but that should be a real plus with you guys.

Everything turned out pretty well, one mole removed but not too worried about it, one precancerous spot frozen (or something). I'm thinking I'm good now for 15 years at least. And now, Greg says I can go get my hair done at AVEDA - this was my prerequisite.

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