Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Little Things

O.K., so I was at this fabulous Women of Faith Conference this past weekend with amazing speakers who have been through some terribly painful life experiences. They are testimonies to God's grace and faithfulness, and I'm sure I'll have more to write about regarding their impact upon me later, BUT...

Yesterday, I was thinking about Nicole C. Mullen and how muscular her arms are. She was one of the singers there, and she choreographed these incredible dances along with her daughters to her song Freedom. That girl can jam, and Brandey and I were dancing in our spots, because we just couldn't help it! Both of us noticed her little, defined biceps on her thin arms, and I thought about how I've always wanted to have at least one identifiable muscle that was visible (complete vanity, I know, but there it is). My tennis coach made me run extra laps in high school, because he said I had chicken legs and wouldn't ever intimidate anyone with them; well it didn't work. No matter how much I run, I just don't have outgoing muscles. They're rather shy.

All that to say, yesterday I decided to try to work on my arms. I grabbed my little 10 pound weights and headed to the living room. I thought it might be a good idea to stretch first, so I reached up very high and then reached down... and then it happened...

Without bending my knees, I reached all the way to my toes!! No problem, I didn't even realize it until it happened. This is huge! I'm really out of proportion with a short little torso and legs the same length as my 6'2" husband, so I've never done this before.

"Girls, look at this! LOOK AT THIS!"

"So," says my splits-every direction, dancing daughter.

"I'm calling your Dad right now, I can't believe this!"
The conversation went something like this...


"Hi, Honey, are you still out to lunch with Gerhard (one of our deacons)?"

(Bad Signal) "What?"

I repeated the question.

"Yeah, I'm still at the restaurant."

"O, well, um I just wanted to call and let you know that I just touched my toes without even bending my knees at all."

"What?" (Bad Signal)

I repeated the news.

"O, good, talk to you later."

Sometimes, I just have to celebrate the little things.


Kristen said...

That's fabulous! :) Seriously, congrats!

Mama Gail said...

How many times do I have to tell you that most women would celebrate having legs as long as yours?! You sure didn't get them from me, but I think you ought to be thankful for them. They haven't been chicken legs since 9th grade, no thanks to that tennis coach!