Monday, February 18, 2008

Laughing Alone

Don't you hate it when you think you're connecting with somebody, on the same wavelength, in the same zone, only to find out you're actually standing in a spotlight all by yourself with a clown nose on?

On Mondays, I work at our wonderful local coffee shop, Lincoln Perk from 1-6. We cram school in as efficiently as possible before I leave, and since it's Greg's day off, he and the girls get great Daddy/daughter bonding time while I'm gone.

At about 5:00 today, Sean Connery walked right into Lincoln Perk and up to the counter. Okay, he looked a whole lot like Sean Connery, and he ordered a large coffee in a rather boring way for someone as dramatic as Sean Connery. My next question to him had to be:

"And would you like Ethiopian Harrar or Sweetheart Blend?"

As soon as I asked it I started to chuckle under my breath, right, like Sean Connery is going to ask for a 20 oz. Sweetheart Blend.

"I'll have the Ethiopian Harrar," he said VERY SERIOUSLY. So, thinking we were on the same wavelength, I said,

"I knew as soon as I said it that there was NO WAY you were going to say (my voice got a little deep here) 'I'll take a 20 oz. SWEETHEART BLEND,' " still chuckling as I said it.

That guy, Sean Connery, looked at me like I was crazy and said NOTHING! He did not smile one tiny little bit. In fact, he didn't even look like he liked me very much.

That took me back to an experience I had while working at Wendy's. I went on a summer project with Campus Crusade for Christ while I was in college, to Panama City Beach, Florida. Part of our experience involved having a full-time job and having classes and Bible studies in the evenings and opportunities to talk with tourists on the weekends. Along with 4 other students on our project, I worked at a large Wendy's.

One day, again while working at the register, two guys came in wearing their blue-collar shirts with their names on them. This was during the crux of the t.v. show, Newhart. These two guys stood right in front of me side-by-side, and I am not kidding, one shirt said "Larry" and one shirt said "Daryl." I started giggling, and knowing that this was a prank they must pull all the time, I said, "And where's your other brother?!"

They looked at me dead silent. "You know, 'Hi, I'm Larry. This is my brother Daryl, and this is my other brother Daryl.'" Nothing. Absolutely no wavelength connection, except with my fellow employees who found the whole thing excrutiatingly funny.

So, my sweet friend Sherlynn who worked with me today, here's hoping I gave you a laugh and a good example of why I sometimes really wish I had just a wee bit of your soft-spoken personality.


Beverly said...

Ooh, those moments are hard. Still, what a gift to be able to amuse yourself!

Erika said...

You totally crack me up, Sister! Perhaps I find your story so funny because it is not at all unlike something I would do or say to a complete stranger. I'm glad you can laugh and blog about it! Love you!

Jenna said...

That happens to me all the time, I can totally relate.

And once growing up we had some calves that we named Larry and Daryl and Daryl.

mattandshannon said...

There is actually a student where I work who's name is Daryl and so is his brother's and dad's.

Mama Gail said...

Yikes, I feel for you, Kelly. I had a similar experience at work once, but the problem with chuckling "with" someone over the phone, is that they can't give you withering look to make you feel like a fool. No, they have to say something, something like, "I don't see why you are laughing. Do you think this is funny?" I stammered through some lame explanation, just hoping she wouldn't ask to speak to my manager. I think this runs in our family. We are too darn relational for our own good!

Tara Shae said...

hahahaha...oh adventures at the coffee shop. Sometimes I feel like we have the right to ask people lots of personal questions/joke with them b/c over half of them share their personal stories with us anyways. Too bad this dude was bein a grumpy gus! I probs would have done the same thing Kelly! So glad you posted it so that I could still hear some Lincoln Perk humor!

John Buerger said...

Keep your good sense of humor. Hopefully, that guy will find one some day, too.

Melissa said...

I love that on the very day I found your blog, your top post included a memory I share with you even though we haven't seen each other in 15 years.

I also love that you're the same random, hilarious Kelly--just a little older (though you hardly look it!). :)


Kelly said...

Missy, How great to hear from you! Please email if you get a chance; I'd love to catch up...