Saturday, March 1, 2008

Waiting up

I'm feeling a little strange, because for the first time Greg and I are waiting up for Abby, our oldest daughter. She had the opportunity to sort of pseudo-attend a youth group activity tonight (although she's not officially "youth group age", she's awfully close). She went along to some concerts in Wichita; I can't believe we're entering the "waiting up for our children" stage. Yes, it makes me feel like Abby is getting older, but more disturbing is how old it makes me feel. Why am I the one at home waiting up and not the one at the concerts? It's all happened so quickly...

That's why I just spent a little too much money ordering skin care items online. I'm not a "buy expensive make-up" type. I normally throw together what I need at Target, but I'm noticing more challenging skin care issues recently, and due to my recent aging comprehension and a Christmas gift card that got the whole thing started, I bought several promising skin miracles.

Today, Greg and I had a daytime date. It was a bit windy, but warm and sunny and beautiful. We definitely had a spring day, and we were inspired. We drove around Wichita between stops with our windows down. The wind blew our hair while we listened to loud "running" music, windows down, feeling extremely cool in our... MINIVAN. I got the giggles so bad imagining what we looked like to passersby.

O well, Abby's home now. She had a great time; I'm ready for bed.


Beverly said...

I just read a fine article you wrote for Everyday Stewardship. I've been wondering who this wonderful Jenny is who teaches you quilting, and now I know. This relationship Jenny and your family share sounds very mutually rewarding. I admire the way you integrate "outside," community teachers into your homeschooling life. How enriching for you all. Just curious: are you pretty "hard core" Charlotte Mason, whatever that means? I do admire what I'm reading of her approach to things. Was this the approach you knew you wanted to take or did you encounter it along the way? I would be interested, sometime, in reading about your and Greg's decision to homeschool.

SarahDee said...

Okay, so this doesn't have much to do w/ your post....I just wanted to say HI! I haven't been out here in forever and read quite a bit, but don't think I can go back and read every post. However, I can't believe you were waiting up for Abby! Really unbelievable. I was just recalling a story about her the other day to Ben, but can't remember it now (of course). Doesn't seem like that long ago we were in CR; but then again it seems like a lifetime ago. I'm glad I can come here and see you and the girls and still feel connected to you in a small way. Oh....and even though you may be feeling're NOT. Take care!!!