Monday, November 19, 2007

A little Grace

Grace's latest quips, starting in bed way too early on Sunday morning:
"Mommy, Mooooommyyyyyyyy! I can't see!! Mommy, I can't see!!!!"
Enter very tired, slightly irritable, and a touch worried Mommy, "Grace, what do you mean you can't see? Look at me; you can see me."
Grace, with fingers pressed over closed eyes, "Mommy, I can't see when my eyes are closed."

Later that morning in the middle of church and in the middle of a beautiful song being sung by our choir, Grace got up as tall as she could on her knees next to me in our pew. A good friend of ours had just sung a solo in the song, and Grace wanted to see. Stretching as high as she could at a quiet, rather poignant moment in the song, she let out a huge belch from her soul. Her head was perfectly positioned right between the older couple sitting in front of us, so that each of them got one perfect earful. Abby and Emma got the giggles something fierce, so I looked straight ahead as if nothing unusual had happened to keep my composure. After church, I looked right at the lady in front of us and said, "It wasn't me."

Today at lunch, "That is the goodest lunch I ever seen! Thank you, Mommy!"

Later this afternoon she described something as "Gimungus!"
And finally, always one to cover all her bases, she called me to her room after she had been put to bed tonight, "Mommy, I need milk and brefek in the morning, with cereal. Remember that, O.K.?"


Annalisa said...
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Annalisa said...

So, we're dying to know: did you remember her "milk and brefek?" Girl's definitely got her priorities in order, brefek being the most important meal of the day and all. :-)