Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I should be cleaning my bathroom

Grace and I found a tiny baby robin underneath the slide at the park at the end of our street yesterday. He looked healthy but very small and didn't move very quickly. We quickly ascertained that leaving a slow moving baby robin underneath a slide in a park would be to its detriment, so we brought him home to our garden.

He snuggled right into my hand without a fight, looking around and occasionally chirping while Grace and I walked home. When we came home, Abby quickly found some earthworms which our little robin nibbled from her hand. He hopped around some, and when I checked on him a while later, he was gone. I think he'll be a success story; at least I prayed that God would watch over him, and I thanked Him for the opportunity to witness His creation up close.

We also have a huge caterpillar nibbling away at a Missouri primrose in our garden. We're hoping for the chance to watch the chrysalis stage. He's so large and fat, it can't be too far away; and that Missouri primrose was one we had tried to dig up and transfer - so, bon appetit!

I love summer.


Grandma Vonnie said...

Kelly, I loved this blog about the baby robin. I also loved it that you asked God to watch over him.

Your post reminded me of a story Elisabeth Elliot shared in her book "Discipline, the Glad Surrender." She told of watching a wild pig (a javelina) from her window and noticing he was limping because of an injured foot. She said, "I wish I could bind up the hoof, comfort him somehow. That is beyond my powers, but I have recourse …I pray for him. 'Here is your pig, Lord. Please heal his foot.' It is possible that he was brought to my window this morning (the javelina is normally a timid nocturnal creature) precisely in order to be prayed for." (p. 12)

That reminds me of the care of my Heavenly Father—His sovereign watch-care over each of his creatures. Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

Mama Gail said...

Grace looks a little grumpy in the picture. Was she sad that her new pet flew away?

Erika said...

Today I read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to sweet Lucy for the first time, today... not sure why I hadn't read it to her before now, but that's beside the point.

The point is that your picture and comments about the caterpillar that's been nibbling your Missouri Primrose and getting fatter is like hearing about a real- life "Very Hungry Caterpillar" and that makes me happy. :)

Erika said...

Maybe you should write a children's story about the baby robin you rescued. Lucy would love such a book-I just know it.