Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's up with the Hesston tooth fairy?!

Emma lost a tooth this evening. Grace was astounded and amazed. We all looked at her wad of wet, blood stained paper towel and congratulated her. And then she said this...

"Mom, do you just want to give me the money now, so you don't have to try to remember tonight?"

"WHAT!?" I replied incredulously. "This has nothing to do with me; the Kansas tooth fairy just seems to be a loser. We will absolutely make sure she gets the memo."

A little background is in order...
Back in Cedar Rapids when my daughters first started losing teeth, it was all a very big deal. At one point one of my daughters looked at me, straight in the face and said, "Mom, I know YOU are the tooth fairy. I've seen you sneaking into my room."

I just couldn't lie to her, so I said, "O.K., you're right, I AM the tooth fairy...

for the entire Cedar Rapids area. That's why I am often tired in the afternoon; it's a really big job: putting on the tights and the wings, visiting all those children in the middle of the night, and then trying to find something to do with all of those teeth! Tooth fairies are hired by city, and you're right - it's me."

But now that we're in Kansas and teeth keep falling out and there are so many of them and children get older, this new Kansas tooth fairy is totally not on the ball - or so I told my red head who rolled her eyes the whole time I explained.

I met some friends for coffee this evening and came home to find a little yellow note on my pillow. On the front there is a sweet little drawn face and...

To Mom/fairy
with love
Then the inside has a little fairy drawn on the bottom corner and this message...
Dear Mom/fairy
I lost a tooth!
a molar!!!!
So, I'm going to go let this Hesston fairy know now.


Horn herd mom said...

LOL! The IL tooth fairy isn't really on the ball either--maybe the summer heat... Ashley lost her 2nd top tooth last week and, um, the tooth fairy forgot. She wrote a note the next night--"Dad, please remember to have the tooth fairy come tonight."

Kristen said...

that's hilarious, Kelly!

Erika said...

I'm glad I have a good while before I strike up a relationship with the Des Moines tooth fairy! : )

Mama Gail said...

Surely a molar is worth a little extra cash! I can so picture Emma standing there rolling her eyes as you issue your disclaimer about the Hesston tooth fairy!

SarahDee said...

First of all, I had no idea you were the CR tooth fairy! Too bad Tyler was too young to be losing teeth when we lived there cause I would have loved to see the tights and wings. :)
2ndly, that whole story is flat out hilarious!