Friday, November 14, 2008


Well, we made it. We are here in the Dallas area, currently living with dear friends who also happen to be family. I've been feeling just a little foggy for several weeks now - you know the kind of surreal, dream-like fog that spins all around you and you feel like you're watching a movie, but it's really your life and you're actually one of the main characters.

The good news is I went for a really wonderful 3 mile run today, and those of you who have known me recently know that this was a huge step in the reclaiming of my life from the fog. The fact that I could do it, and in fact, loved it means that this could be the beginning of the beginning. The weather was gorgeous. We travelled back in time, season-wise, and didn't miss fall in Texas. Those of you who know me, know how marvellous that is for me. And yes, the sky was deep gray with golden sun breaking through and glimmering on trees of vibrantly red, yellow, orange, and green leaves.

Thank You, Creator, I noticed.
And I'll keep you posted on where He takes us from here.


Mama Gail said...

It's good to know you're back in Texas where you belong. I love you.

Sabrina said...

It is good to hear that the fog is lifting. You continue to have my prayers. Love, Sam

Hannah said...

Hi Kelly,

Glad to know that you have made it to Texas. I have continued to pray for you. I am so sad that you are no longer in Hesston but...

So glad that you are in God's hands.

Anonymous said...

Miss you guys! Praying for you as your look for the next landing spot. Glad you had a safe trip.

voranclan said...

A run!!! I'm so happy for you!! I know what this means to you! I miss you dearly, but so glad you are there! Love you. ~Brandey

SarahDee said...

Glad to hear you guys made it and that you were able to get out and run and enjoy the beautiful weather. I've been thinking of you often and am hoping and praying for great things to come for you and your family.

Greg said...

God has so many ways He extends His grace towards us. I have found so much grace in the "little things" in His glorious creation! I have been praying for God to show His grace to you all in a special way and it looks like He has been answering prayers! This simply means we keep praying for you all!
I am so glad to hear that you are getting into a routine.