Wednesday, November 19, 2008

minivan moment

One of the many Texas blessings we are beginning to encounter is the opportunity to connect with old and dear friends and of course lots of family. Just to clarify - the friends are not old, just the friendships.

Today the girls and I travelled to San Antone and just arrived not too long ago. On the way, we stopped to get together with Ross and Christy who happened to be vacationing just south of Dallas. Greg went along before heading back to Dallas. Ross and Christy are those kinds of friends that you can't quite remember not having. We've known each other since before we were all even coupled off and married. They are so precious to us and have always been sources of tremendous encouragement. Thanks for the visit, y'all!

Thought I'd let you in on one of the MANY conversations that went on in a minivan full of females for 5 hours:

After a unique period of silence, Grace says with a BIG voice: "Abby, ARE YOU THINKING WHAT I'M THINKING?"

Abby feeling a little confused says, "Um, I don't know Grace. What are you thinking?"

Grace: "I'm thinking what you're thinking!"

Abby: "Oh."

After a little more silence, Grace says: "Abby, you're thinking about just me."

Abby: "Oh, I'm thinking about you, Grace? Is that what you're thinking?"

Grace: "Yes."

Of course.


Erika said...

I'm wondering if there will ever be a time when Grace doesn't crack me up! Thanks for charing and giving me a giggle this morning! Can't wait to see you in Texas! : )

Erika said...

Umm, I meant "thanks for sharing", not "charing"!