Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hints from a moving mom...

Cover your kitchen table with newsprint paper and throw lots of markers and crayons and pencils in the middle of it. Surround the table with children who have little else to do, and they will stay happy indefinitely. O yeah, add a little Gracie who carries cookies and candy and bread around (without asking her mother first) to keep everyone from getting hungry.

Some dear and gracious friends who bought some paper to help us with packing had no idea how versatile it would be. Beyond stuffing, wrapping, layering... it also becomes the entertainment for the children in the house while their moms are helping me. Thanks, Lapps! And thanks ALL of you who are giving of your time and resources and energy and food to encourage and sustain us. You are amazing; I would be drowning without you.

1 comment:

Greg said...

That all sounds wonderful! I'd like to come over and draw, too!

(We wish we could be there with you! I know Kim really hates being so far away! BUT we are praying!)