Tuesday, October 16, 2007


We've heard the dreaded news all parents hope they won't hear...
Your daughter needs B R A C E S.
Yup, I innocently took Abby and Emma to the dentist on Monday for cleanings. The good news is that neither of them has any cavities.
Abby is a CLASS 2. That, I found out, means she's a slightly more complicated braces fix than a class 1. Her molars don't line up; apparently that's a problem. I was in a daze as we were whisked from the cavity-free good news dentist chair into the ORTHODONTICS CONFERENCE ROOM.
All I was thinking was, "Do you know how much those things cost!!??" Yes, actually they do and they presented me with payment plan options.
Now we have a wonderful dentist, and he is offering us a very gracious discount; the problem is they still cost more than our first family vehicle.
All of you seasoned parents are chuckling right now thinking to yourselves, "Just wait, Kelly. This is only the beginning. College... it's right around the corner. Maybe, just maybe the braces will be paid off by then."
The comic relief of the experience was Grace responding every time the word "braces" was said. She genuinely thought everyone was saying her name. "How come I have to be with Abby's teeth?" The best quote (this was all going on during what should have been her nap, so she was a little tired), was said at some point during the description of what the braces do. "What is me is, Mommy?"
I'm still trying to come to grips with the fact that ALL of Abby's baby teeth are gone. Every one, I mean EVERY LAST ONE of her teeth are adult teeth. When did this happen? How did we get here?


Jenna said...

Braces! Ack!

On a completely unrelated note, Joey and I are wondering if you will be at home on Sunday, Dec 30. We're planning our Christmas road trip and are thinking we're going to drive half on Saturday. Since Hesston is kind of halfway we thought about visiting your church on that Sunday morning. IF you'll be there! :)

Grandma Vonnie said...

I feel your pain--been there, done that (the B R A C E S thing), and lived long enough to pay off the bill! :-) (Which, by the way, was waaaaay cheaper than the car that was wrecked, college, and the wedding we later paid for!)

Katie said...

Hi Kelly! I have officially "tagged" you. Go to my blog to find out what that means!